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Ten of Wands

हिंदी के लिए कृपया यहाँ क्लिक करें
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The Upright Readings

pain, ruined, failure, Burden, extra responsibility, hard work, completion

King Vikramaditya is on the card. You will have to bear the pain like him. Your enemies will try their best to ruin you. However, they will fail in that work. The above have put a huge burden of responsibilities on you. You will have to work hard because of the extra responsibility. Only then, you will attain perfection.

The Reverse Readings

cleverness, energy, strength, Doing it all, carrying the burden, delegation, release

Like King Vikramaditya, you have to work with tact every time. Your energy, strength has to be channelize in the right place. Family and friends will have to do all this along with them. Taking the burden of responsibilities has become your habit now. Being a responsible person, many people will also come for consultation. As if, you would be the delegation of all the sorrows around the world. Your priority is to be released from this worldliness. You will be successful in that too.

Ten of The Wand

European Tarot card study points:

A man is taking away a bunch of Ten Wands with him. He is moving away from the card reader.

Ancient Indian Tarot card study points:

A man is moving out from dense forest to the town. He is carrying wands with him. He is King Vikramaditya. He was very brave to carry Ghosts and evil-celestial bodies. He is famous for Betal Pachchisi stories for ages on the Indian continent.

(Details of King Vikramaditya and Betal Pachchisi.)

In ancient times, there was an ideal king named Vikramaditya. King Vikram was famous for his courage, might, and valor. It is also said that King Vikram used to roam around the city in disguise in the wee hours of the night to know the sorrows and pains of the life of his kingdom. He helps to solve the problems of people. Many books and stories have been published as the tales of King Vikram and Betal. "Betal Pachisi" has the stories of Vikramaditya and Betal. This enjoys unprecedented popularity even today.

The great poet Somdev Bhatt in ancient literature has written "Betal Pachisi. According to that, King Vikram had tried to take Betal off the tree twenty-five times and Betal told a new story to King Vikram every time on the way.

A tantric performs the tantric ritual of sacrificing a healthy Brahmin son with thirty-two symptoms. So that his demonic powers increase, further. That is why he follows a Brahmin son to kill him. However, that Brahmin son runs away and goes to the forest and there he finds a phantom, which gives powers to the Brahmin son to escape from that tantric and asks him to hang upside down on the tree in the form of a phantom. In addition, it says that as long as he stays on that tree that tantric will not be able to kill him. The same Brahmin son is "Betal".

The insidious tantric masquerades, as a yogi, after listening to the tales of valor and bravery of King Vikram, he sets a trap to get his work done. Moreover, the king sends Vikram a delicious fruit gift every day during the journey. Inside is a precious gem ruby. Finding out this secret, King Vikram searches for that beggar. Eventually, King Vikram finds him.

Since that pretend beggar himself does not have the power to bring Betal, so he masquerades and asks King Vikram to bring the phantom Betal hanging on that tree. King Vikram, unaware of the real intention of that tantric, sets out to do his work.

King Vikram would take Betal off the tree every time to take him to the beggar. Due to the long road, every time Betal starts telling the story and has a condition that after listening to the story if King Vikram has to answer meaningfully, to his question, or he will kill King Vikram. In addition, if King Vikram opened his mouth to answer, he would get angry, go to his tree again, to hang upside down.